Sampurna broadly divides its projects into two spheres i.e., micro and macro level. At the micro-level, the organization works with individuals or groups to deal with their specific problems. On an individual basis, case studies are undertaken which may involve face-to-face interaction, arranging joint meetings and working in different settings such as homes, schools, offices or special institutions etc. Macro level projects involve dealing with issues that are important and impact the society as a whole. Sampurna conducts studies, empirical research, focuses on socio-economic issues and leads projects like Adarsh Toilet Mission, Adarsh Mahila Swachha Grehi Abhiyan, Self Defence and Mental Health camps, integrated health camps, protests on burning issues like Women Protection at Workplace, advocating the voice of minor victims of crime, indecency and abuses presented through the social media platforms. Sampurna does not hesitate to come out on the streets and raise a voice for the sake of important social causes. Whenever required, the organization works as a bridge between the society and the government agencies.
Sampurna women seeks to undertake research on gender in an interdisciplinary framework. The objective of the research centre is to create a vibrant space for young researchers, community social workers, academicians, activists, students concerned with the issues of gender, violence, sexuality, gender equality and rehabilitation in society.
Sampurna has organized numerous insightful workshops and seminars throughout the years to create awareness about pressing subjects that need to be addressed in order to have an impactful reach and a positive outcome in the society.
Sampurna aims to better the situation of women in India by bringing about practical and tangible changes at the grassroot level. Following the bottom- up approach, Sampurna conducts training sessions, research projects and advocacy camps and reveal the causes and encourage the formation of solutions to issues such as domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, child abuse and sexual harassment.
Sampurna is running Family Counselling Centres (FCCs) since 2000. The FCCs were set up for reuniting the families and helping the clients to resolve their disputes through a process of dialogue. Through this project Sampurna gained experience of dealing with the cases of marital disputes, extra marital affairs, drug addiction and alcoholism within the families, sibling rivalry, children and parents’ conflicts.
In the crucial time of utmost chaos during the second wave of Covid19, Sampurna came forward to help the citizens in need in any capacity manageable. We were able to set up a covid care centre equipped with beds and appropriate medical equipment with competent staff to help the community. Two such centres were established, one in Sector 9 and another in Sector 15 in Rohini.
Sampurna initiated skill development training programmes for adolescent girls and women like cutting and tailoring, beautician courses and bangle fabrication. More than 8000 girls/ women have been trained in Cutting and Tailoring trade under our Vocational Training Project.
Sampurna works for the victims of sexual violence to get justice. Since its inception in 1993, Sampurna collaborated with distinguished lawyers in Delhi to provide free legal aid and assistance to the underprivileged community.
Inspired by Prime Minister’s vision of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, Sampurna started a project called ‘Delhi School Adarsh Toilet Mission, 2016’ in February, 2016. The objective of the project was to ensure that the toilets of the municipal corporation schools are clean and usable.
Inspired by Swachhagrahis in Prime Minister’s Swachh Bharat Mission 2018, this project was initiated in 2018 in 143 co-operative group housing societies in Rohini, Delhi seeking active participation from the societies. Sampurna aimed to bring awareness about the importance of hygiene and cleanliness and empowering the women to have a cleaner
Mainstreaming the children in the formal schooling system is an annual feature of Sampurna. We run non- formal educational (NFE) centres where children of 3-6 years are prepared to go for formal education. Approximately 1200 children have been sent to school through non- formal education till date.
Once the vaccines became available through Cowin app, our management decided to make Rohini covid free through mass vaccination. The volunteers were motivated to spread awareness about the importance and benefits of vaccination. A few professionals were hired to reach to out every house.
Food has always been the causing agent of many issues in the society. Due to poverty and lack of awareness urban poor are not able to have a nutritious meal and thus suffer from malnutrition. Sampurna’s Head office, located in the vicinity of an urban slum, also observed that the lack of